Monday, March 29, 2010

The person who has influenced me greatly in my life is ME , it may sound ridiculous ,thick-skinned and very self-centered but i influenced myself into becoming what I am today! I am a very stubborn person but I am also kind at the same time.

At times I am very stubborn and wont change my mind easily, I can be very rude towards certain people at times but that is only when I am angry or gennerally dont want to be irritated, or maybe I am just busy, but deep down many people tell me that I am extremely kind that I am so easily taken avantage of, though I dont know how I am taken advantage of, I feel like doing good to others will actually do good to yourself!

I dont know who I have influcence in my life but I don't think is a very significant amount of people, as i said before, I am extremely stubborn and don't change my mind set easily. Though I wish people will follow the kinder side of me and the world will be a better place than it is now!

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